Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Read of the Town: The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah

Whether it's from controversy or excitement, the buzz around this book that's released today is palpable. I know I've been "at odds" myself with whether or not I'll be reading this book. For starters, David Suchet portraying Hercule Poirot for the last time in the final episode (and book) written by famed Agatha Christie aired on PBS not too long ago, called Curtain. Now I pride myself in being a fan of both Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot and I must admit I've had open conversations with people who know the characters both very well as to who they think would outwit the other? I'll tell you the answer changes as often as the rising and setting of the moon! But I digress...

My point is, Curtain, for those who are fans and have read it so they knew what to expect, and to those who haven't because (like myself) you're reading them in order, realizing she's written 88 such stories centered around Hercule Poirot, you are probably a bit surprised by how it's possible for him to appear in a new novel? Me too!

It's not uncommon for a greatly loved character to rise again even after the author who created, cultivated, and nurtured, that character, has come and gone. See 007 as probably one of the best examples of that. His estate picks someone to carry on the legend, the story, and for them it works. Now, without spoiling Curtain for those who haven't watched the episode or read the book yet, although I can't see how you wouldn't guess what it means by the title, I am skeptical about how it's possible to write the next Hercule Poirot Mystery? Unless she's gone back in time to some earlier cases and an earlier time in his life? I wouldn't be against that of course since, as I'm reading the novels and watching the episodes of the same titles, I often wonder who and where he was before we see him as the great detective with his "little grey cells"?

To conclude, I will be buying and reading this novel. Only because my curiosity wouldn't allow me to simply ignore it. I've already heard some stark reviews from people saying "it's not the same" and in my mind I'm thinking, of course it won't be! Not sure what I'll be expecting when I start, but I know I won't be expecting Agatha Christie to come through in all her glory. I hear Sophie Hannah is not too shabby in the mystery/suspense realm so I'm willing to give her a chance, are you?

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