Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Read of the Town: The Giver by Lois Lowry

I've got a review of the movie coming today, but I wanted to discuss the fact that the book, like most whenever a movie version is released, has been put on prominent display in most bookstores, thereby trying to get people to buy it. Duh!

I've read several reviews about the movie lately that suggest it is nothing like the book. The book was published in the early 90's and I remember reading it around that time. Almost a good 20 years ago, so I remembered very little about it when I saw the movie this past weekend. One thing it did do for me was make me want to go back and re-read (as if for the first time) The Giver. And maybe I'm alone in this discovery, but it turns out The Giver was one of four books written on the "dystopian" subject! So you know me, I had to buy all four books and to make it easier on myself, I decided to go with a newly published version that puts them all together for me.

It's beautifully bound and not as heavy as it looks since they used a kind of paper and binding that doesn't weigh much. And believe me, those days of carrying heavy books are OVER!

Have you read the Lois Lowry book? Just the first one or all of them? Were you like me and didn't know there were books beyond The Giver?

Look for my review of the movie soon!

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