Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Read of the Town: Maleficent (Adaptation) by Elizabeth Rudnick

It cannot be denied, I absolutely L-O-V-E the movie Maleficent! I can prove it since I've already seen in 4 times in the movie theater. After the 4th time however, I promised myself I would refrain from seeing it again. I need to hold onto my finances to purchase the Blu Ray when it is released! Then a miracle happened. I call it a miracle because I honestly was browsing the YA section (as I often do) not looking for anything in particular. Suddenly, out the corner of my eye I saw the face of Maleficent and I'm almost positive my whole face lit up! At first I thought it might have been just a book of color pictures from the movie like I've seen done so often. But honestly I wouldn't have cared and would have bought it regardless.

Upon holding it though, I could tell by it's dimensions that it was not what I thought it was. Then I saw the black binding, to match the black cover, and I knew I had to have it. What I was holding in my hand was the book form of the movie I had just seen 4 times and could probably recite word-for-word already. Did I need to give yet more money than I already had to this movie? Probably not. But it will certainly hold me off from seeing it on the big screen again.

Normally I write these about a book I have heard of or seen but haven't purchased yet. Sometimes the book isn't even out yet. But I felt I needed to mention this book because parents might not know about it. Or adults who are still on the fence about seeing it themselves, let alone taking their children to see it, are wondering how they can prepare? This seems like as good a place as any to start. Or you can read my review of the movie, which does have a few major spoilers.

I'm not sure how much longer Maleficent will be on the big screen. I'd love for it to be there longer so it can make more money, hopefully catapulting a whole new style of movie making capabilities. At the same time the quicker it's off the big screen the quicker I can get my hands on the Blu Ray! But I digress! The book, which I'm about 3/4 done with, so look for a review very quickly, follows the movie fairly closely. I'd say about 85% of what happens in the book happens in the movie. The differences would be in the characters (some new that aren't in the movie) and the dialogue as well as some added scenes that aren't in the movie. I'd say it only serves to enhance the movie which probably cut a lot of scenes they felt made the movie longer than necessary? Personally, I don't mind a 2 1/2 hour long movie if it means it left nothing from the book out.

Then again, I have to remember (or at least I assume) the movie came first then the book. Hence why it was adapted? I think that's what that means...

So, watch the movie! Take your kids because it really is OKAY for children, and go see it yourself! While you're at it, find this book and add it to the many fairy tales you may already have read to your kids. And if you haven't read them any fairy tales, don't you think it's time you started?

A deluxe novelization of the Walt Disney Studios film Maleficent, starring Angelina Jolie.

This visually dazzling live action film explores the origins of one of the most iconic Disney villains: Maleficent, the infamous fairy who curses Princess Aurora in Disney's animated classic Sleeping Beauty. This "origin" story is told from Maleficent's perspective, intersecting with the classic in both familiar and unexpected ways.

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