Thursday, October 9, 2014

#NaNoWriMo 2014 (Year Two)

It's getting close to that time of year again! If you remember, last year I participated in my very first NaNoWriMo and came in just over the 50K goal! In introduced a female lead by the name of Sterling Addams who would be solving crimes and mysteries taking place in the underground world of the New York City subway system. At the time I wanted to work exclusively on my Sterling Addams Mystery novels every November. But this has changed!

Last Winter felt like it lasted FOREVER! In that time of constant cold, one that I thought would never leave the city, I came up with an idea for a Young Adult novel. After fleshing it out for several months I discovered the only way for me to truly do this story justice was to write 3 novels (at least). I wanted to write this during the Summer, but I couldn't. I just wasn't in the "write about Winter cold" kind of moods in the middle of June!

With that said I'm switching it up this year and I'm going to work on this Young Adult novel I've had on my mind since it's conception earlier this year. Originally my idea had two female lead characters. Best friends. They are still in the story, but I just wasn't connecting with them. Not like I was with the lesser character. I became attached to him right away and I just knew he had to be my main character. So, without further ado, here is a sneak peek (and VERY rough draft) at the synopsis:

Thirteen years ago today I was born in a small hospital, in a small town, named Snow, located in the great state of Texas, on a day my parents always like to remind me was one of the hottest that year! My life has never been easy, especially when I started going to school. I stutter. Mostly when I'm nervous, which is almost every time I'm called on in the classroom. But what's worse is not so much the stuttering as the shaking. The more I stutter, the more I shake. And when I say shake I mean classmates would break out in the hokey-pokey during recess and claim they were mimicking me. I've tried to control it but I can't. So now my closest friends (of which there is few) and my worst enemies (of which there are countless) all call me by the same name, "Shakes."

Nothing amazing ever happens in my town ironically named Snow. I say it's ironic because of what happened at this years Fourth of July picnic. The weather, for as far back as I can remember, has always been just about perfect on this day. The whole town gathers to celebrate Abigail Martin's birthday because her extremely rich parents thought it only right that their daughter should be born on a day when fireworks are a natural occurrence. The town doesn't complain because it means the Martin's pay for all the decorations, fireworks, and free food you could ever hope to get your hands on! Only this year, just as Abigail is about to cut the kick, the signal for the fireworks display to begin, both she, and I, seem to freeze in time, as what appeared to be a snowflake lands on her nose and disappears just as quickly as it appeared. No one else noticed it, but we did.

On July 5th our town wakes up to a dusting of snow on the ground. Not just our town, but after listening to the news, the entire United States, and parts of the world, that wouldn't normally have snow this time of year, or at all, now see it falling...and not stopping...

Abigail and I, with a little help from friends and people we meet, quickly realize it is up to us to get to the bottom of this snow storm and stop it before it's too late!

Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing: My name is Frank Cunningham and I'm blind.

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