Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Posts I Think Give You The Best Glimpse of ME



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My blog is still pretty new. Although I imported my “more opinionated” blog that I kept from previous years, I’ve learned to enjoy the arts more and leave my troubles behind me. It’s been almost one year since I’ve decided to shed my old skin and embrace a new one which involves going to the movies, the theater, and reading a good book every now and then. I can’t say all the movies and theater and books I’ve attempted were great and worth enticing others to follow suit, but the journey has always been and will always be worth it. I figure, why not share my thoughts (albeit one sided from time to time) with an audience I hope to increase some day. Enjoy!

Book Reviews:

1. The Hunger Games - After reading the HP series I found myself becoming nostalgic for YA books. It turns out you’re never too young to read them. And while I will NEVER read the Twilight series, there are other “less popular” but just as great if not better YA series out there. The Hunger Games was my official stepping stone…

2. Let’s Pretend This Never Happened - I believe this is one of the best reviews I’ve ever written simply because this is one of the best books of 2012 I’ve ever read. I’d also go so far as to say it’s the best comedic true story I’ve ever read as well.

3. Cinder - A YA series I happened to come across one day while browsing in the book store. The cover caught my eye and the description was unforgettable. Had I known I’d have to wait a year before the next one came out I probably wouldn’t have read it. I still remember waiting for the next HP book to come out and needing to stand in line over night to buy it at the stroke of midnight. While this series probably won’t have that kind of pomp and circumstance I’m glad I read it and can share my thoughts on it with you. Just be aware book 2 (Scarlet) does not come out till February 2013.

4. The Little Red Guard - I enjoy reading autobiographies very much. My long list of book signings I’ve been to can attest to it. I don’t just buy them I read them. This story however differs from any autobiography you’ll ever read. It was, and I believe still is, a best-seller and a true story of a 3 generation family growing up in China. I read this book in under a week and appreciated the author for sharing this story.

Movie Reviews:

5. Rear Window - Just one of many movies I’ve seen growing up that now I get to see on the big screen!

6. TCM Presents… Julie - I’ve started this new section on my blog that will have me reviewing a movie I watch on TCM that I’ve never seen before. I just love Robert Osborne. Don’t you?

7. Snow White and the Huntsman - I have to give credit where credit is due to Kristen Stewart who proved to me sometimes it’s the movie not that actors that can give me the wrong impression. A slice of humble pie anyone?

8. Dark Shadows - Another reminder but this time in the reverse. Just because I love a particular actor doesn’t mean they’ll be amazing in any movie they do. Johnny Depp disappointment but lesson learned.

9. Titanic - A movie I avoided for as long as I could, then my brother dragged me, kicking and screaming. Here is my review of a movie I didn’t want to see, EVER!

The Greats:

10. Marlene Dietrich - Something else I’ve added to my blog is this segment known as “The Greats.” It doesn’t have to be related to movies. It can be anyone or any place. I like lists so I love this idea I started.

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