Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2013

toptentuesday (1)

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Another edition of TTT is here and I think I've got a full 10 to put down this time for this topic. I must admit I never realized just how much there is to know about the blogging world, especially when it comes to those of us who read books then review them. One thing I came across is reading challenges. I've never been one to turn away from a challenge so you'll find a few of those in my list of goals I hope to accomplish before this year is out.

  • Read at least 150 books this year! (this CAN be done if I can manage to read 3 books a week!!)

  • Of the aforementioned goal, I hope some of those come off of my Wishlist Challenge (at least 12 to be exact)

  • A to Z Challenge: I'll be reading one book for each letter of the alphabet via the title of the book.

  • 52 books in 52 weeks challenge: adding the 26 books from my A to Z challenge I'll be reading 26 books where the authors last name will cover each letter of the alphabet.

  • Moral of the Story Challenge: It's one I created myself so I've GOT to participate in this one! I plan on reading tales from Hans Christian Anderson, The Brothers Grimm and Aesop's Fables.

  • Outside the Box Reading Challenge: This one is kind of specific in the rules and type of book to read for each level but I just love a challenge so I hope this one will help broaden my horizons to read a book I wouldn't normally give the time of day.

  • A goal of mine I'd like to accomplish when it comes to my reading is that I increase my reading speed! I tend to read an average of 50-75 pages a day and that's if it's a GOOD book! I work 9-5 so it's a bit hard to find time to designate to reading...


They all don't seem too hard to accomplish if I just set my mind to it and stop constantly procrastinating, like I'm doing right now by choosing to write this (two days late) rather than reading!

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