Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR

Finally an easy one since I try to be ahead of the game by making a list of books I intend on reading each month. There's no guarantee that I'll get to them but I like to keep hope alive. One of my resolutions for 2014 (book related) is to try and stick to my plan as much as possible.

With that said here are my 10, in no particular order...


  1. I haven't read Life After Life yet, and it's been on my TBR pile for some time. Let me know when you're going to read it and maybe we could read it together!

    1. You're on! I'll keep you posted on when I plan on reading it. Ideally I'm looking at some time around when it comes out in paperback...

  2. Dorothy Must Die looks soooooo good, really want to read that myself! The Lunar Chronicles made my list as well, I really need to read those book; have heard only amazing things.

    Great list! I hope you get to read them all. My TTT.


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