Sunday, December 1, 2013

NaNoWriMo Update! Week 4 (THE END)

You are reading the above correctly! I did it! I crossed the rubicon, I climbed the mighty mountain, I slayed the beast, I rolled the dice of life and they came up sevens! It was NOT easy for one minute. If I had a do-over the first thing I'd have done differently was not have so many days of non-writing take place. I don't think I would have been scrambling to write the last 11K+ in one day if I had dedicated the suggested 1,667 words a day. But hey, it was how this went down and I'm not too mad about it cause, as I said I DID IT!! To be able to write those two damn words, THE END, was glorious. I can't wait to do it again!

My final word count came out to something over 51K as you can see below! I also posted a chart of my progress so you can see the days where I stayed the same because I wrote nothing and those few days where I had writing spurts of over 5K in one day. Everyone is different and this was how I made it through:

So, what did I write you might be wondering? It is such a mess of ideas and story all tossed down on the page I could wonder the same thing but worry not, I wrote it so I'm fairly sure I know what it's supposed to be. As I shared before it started out to be a mystery series whose main character is Sterling Addams. There is a permanent set of seven characters where this novel is told from the POV of three of them. Now, I've never come across a story that does that so it wasn't like I had a guide I could follow when doing this. Most novels that go with a main character writing in the first person will do one, at most two peoples POV. I had to be different and go with three! But I felt it was the best way I could tell the story for right now.

For some reason writing in the third person I was finding very difficult because I'm so used to thinking and speaking in terms of "I" it was hard for me to get out of that habit. Who knows, maybe I'll wake up with morning and start talking in the third person and change the WHOLE structure completely! Between you and me I hope that doesn't happen. It's written and for the exception of a few time line issues, description fixer-uppers here and there, and a WHOLE lot of dialog clean-ups, this is how it's going to stay.

Let's see, I said it's a mystery. I said Sterling Addams is the main character. Anything else I should mention? Hmm, it all takes place within the New York City subway system. I made up Transit District 13, a team of 5 who are in charge of catching criminals underground that no one knows even exist. It's not as easy as you might think to do.

How did I come up with such a convoluted idea? Well, I figured I ought to write about what I know, and I'd like to think I know the NYC subway system since I've used it practically all my life. I enjoy Agatha Christie and while I know I could never tell a mystery quite as good as she does, mysteries have always fascinated me ever since I was little. Whodunits are fantastic. I hope I've created a good one here. It's got murder, computers, drama, and great background stories for each one of my characters. I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish. Much more than I thought I ever could.

Pat on the back for me and the other thousands of NaNoWriMo writers who embarked on the same journey I did. WE MADE IT!! HURRAY!!

Below check out a possible cover...just playing around with Photoshop for about thirty minutes. Simple program I highly recommend.

Oh, and just because it wouldn't be official without it, allow me to share the certificate us novelists get for crossing the finish line as unscathed as possible. Our brains may be mush and our fingers may be cramped, but we are victorious!

I want to thank everyone again who believed I could do it. I had many moments I didn't think I would make it. Especially Friday and yesterday when I got hit with writer's block. I think the idea of actually crossing the finished line scared me more than anything. But I persevered, I carried on, I kept on keepin' on, and here I am! Do you hear that? It's the Rocky theme music playing in the background! Ah the sweet smell of success.

Okay, enough of this congratulating myself. When I begin the editing process (which I don't intend on beginning till December 8th cause I need a break!) I'll share a few chapters here and there of course. Who knows, I just might get published and by this time next year I'll be calling on you all to support by buying my book! A Sterling Addams Mystery coming to a book store near you!

Till November 2014 NaNoWriMo! It's been fun!

1 comment:

  1. WOOOOO! Congratulations! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


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