Friday, November 8, 2013

NaNoWriMo Update! (Week 1)

I've set out to write a novel. But much more than that, I've set out to FINISH a novel. This would be a HUGE step for me since I've never actually finished any novel that I've started. By my count I've started 3 novels. None of them I really felt were worth finishing and never really held my interest. This year is different. This year WILL be different.

I discovered my problem with writing a novel is my lack of discipline so that is my "CODE WORD OF THE WEEK"! Say it with a loud bellowing voice and it will sound MUCH cooler than it reads.

So, "discipline" when it comes to writing is pretty simple. Training your mind and your schedule around specific times when writing must take place without any distraction whether from outer or inner forces. For someone who has a lot on her mind and a lot going on every single day this is not an easy thing to do. And, it's not like writing a novel is something I've been doing for the last decade or so. In fact, the last "short story" I wrote was almost 2 decades ago! Gosh I'm old! Anyway, so here I am, 7 months away from turning 30 and wanting terribly to write a novel, even if no one but myself and close friends reads it.

As you all might know I never go small with anything I try for the first official time. So, I created a character whose background is way too big and complex for just one book! Her name is Sterling Addams. She is loosely based on a close personal friend of mine (who shall forever remain nameless) who graciously gave me permission to imagine her likeness and personality when I write Sterling's character. Don't try to guess who it is, you never will, and it's not all that important. What is important is the what and the when of this series I've created.

Sterling Addams lives in New York City. She was born in 1962 and if you've ever heard stories of NYC in the 70's you'll understand why the NYPD took it upon themselves to create TD13, Transit District 13. It is a small group of highly skilled police officers whose sole job it is to keep the subway system running as smoothly as possible. This entails solving all crimes as well as preventing them. They also have to make sure no one reports about it to the greater metropolitan area above ground. I start her story in the year 1988. It's not the first case she's assisted TD13 with but I figured it's a great time to delve into a case and allow the main characters to tell a little bit about who they are, how they met, and why they are a part of TD13, essentially devoting their lives to living underground?

Discipline has not been factoring well into my plans however. In an ideal world I should be over 12,000 words into my novel by now. Last night I just barely crossed the 5,000 word mark. With every day I don't make my goal I get more and more discouraged which pushes me further and further behind. The NaNoWriMo stats tells me at this pace I'll be lucky if I reach the 50,000 word goal by January 21st, 2014! I don't give up so easily. It can be done! SO, I write a little at work and every night when I get home from work I will be devoting 2 solid uninterrupted hours to writing. If I find myself on a role of course I'll just keep writing.

Words of encouragement are welcome!

Oh, and one more thing...tomorrow NaNoWriMo is hosting a "Writing Marathon" and I wish I could participate. Unfortunately, I have church obligations all morning into the afternoon, then my monthly family get together is taking place in my apartment immediately after church where I'll be the hostess. So depending on when they all leave and I finish cleaning up I might not be able to participate till after 8pm/ET and that's only if I'm not absolutely exhausted from everything I'll be doing! BUT, after church on Sunday I'll be putting my strict "Discipline Plan" into action!

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