Saturday, October 26, 2013

The in Me?? *NaNoWriMo Again*

I have a confession to make: I've been writing!

And not poetry writing or grocery list writing or whatever people write when they put pen to paper, but serious outline driven, dialogue moving, character building type writing. Why? Well why on Earth not?! In the last 2 years I've already read over 80 books. Now I know for you hardcore book bloggers you can read that many books in 6 months or less without breaking a sweat but for me that is a pretty big feat. I am proud of that accomplishment and I'm already on track for having read over 100 books in just 2 years. Excuse me while I give myself a few pats on the back. *brief pause*

I hope you gave yourself a pat on the back as well for suffering through this blog post AND for reading even more books than I could ever imagine. Now that I've got my reading accomplishments out of the way and under control I thought it was high time I did the one thing I've always been so afraid to do: write a novel. And I will say I'm writing it more for myself than for the purposes of publishing it and seeing it on a shelf in a book store...NOT! I mean duh, who wouldn't want to know their book is on a shelf somewhere collecting dust?

For several decades (I find it sad that I'm old enough to use the word "decade" now) I have had dozens of truly wonderful ideas for a novel but never enough patience, courage, or belief in myself that I could follow through and finish. But something happens to you when you hit that "age" and you look back and wonder what have you done with your life. I read all these books by authors younger than myself and I can't help but think, "that could be me." And FINALLY the light bulb went off! I realized, YES that could and should be me! So here I am, days away from participating in an event that will very well be the start of something great.

That event is NaNoWriMo. I've written about it already, where I give a brief synopsis on what I plan on writing. I encourage you to check it out. This post is just a primer of my life up to this point. A life where I honestly felt I was only as good as the books I read not the words I write. So to everyone who knows how good a writer I am (even though I am VERY secretive with my writing outside of my blog) and have been waiting almost as long as I have for that moment when I can say, "it's finished," the time has come!

I have a determination like never before to write 50,000 words and to see my book on a shelf, even if that shelf is just my own here in my bedroom. The fun will not be found in how I got started or how it ends but in the journey I took along the way.

Welcome to the creation of Sterling Addams... Welcome to my journey...

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