Thursday, August 8, 2013

Forever Odd by Dean Koontz (Book Review)

Forever Odd
An Odd Thomas Novel #2
by Dean Koontz

364 pages
Bantam Books, 2005
Read in 5 days

My Rating: ★★★★★

"Waking I heard a warm wind strumming the loose screen at the open window, and I thought Stormy, but it was not."

Review: I know I'm gay and all, but can I still harbor a secret crush on Odd Thomas? I think he wouldn't mind since he's hopelessly devoted to Stormy, his fiancé. There's more to her story but I won't ruin it for you. I just hope you've read Odd Thomas before daring to read this book. Of course you don't have to. The mark of an excellent author seeking to carry a character through many books, is that he can move the new story forward, all the while reminding you of little nuances from the previous book(s). Dean Koontz is a master of that. He's also a master of suspense and throwing curves you don't realize until you've read the words and your face starts to scrunch up in disgust at what you JUST read! Yeah, that's happened to me once or twice while reading this book for sure.

The difference here is the mystery starts almost immediately. No need in laying the ground work here on who Odd is or what his ability is or any of that back story. By the end of the first chapter you are well aware of the danger and that Odd will most assuredly be headed in its very direction. Aside from his ability to see the dead who are lingering in this world, not able to move on, he is also able to assist some of them to make that move to the other side. Elvis Presley is his most talked about ghost that visits him often. In the case of this book though, Odd has to rescue a very dear friend of his who he considers like a brother. He has this brittle bone disease that reminds me of the movie Unbreakable. I think the character in this book and the one Samuel L. Jackson plays in that M. Knight movie have the same, or similar, bone disease. Anyway, some psycho woman preys on Danny (Odd's friend) and his vulnerability when he seeks her out through a "phone sex" hotline. Long story short, this insane woman thinks Odd is some magical, mystical, wizard, communicator and conjurer of the dead. Of course he is NONE of those things. But in her warped mind he's supposed to help her see, communicate, and manipulate ghosts.

Like I said, it's a great read. Quick read too. I almost want to jump right into the third book, Brother Odd, if I didn't have SO many other books on my TBR list that must not be left waiting any longer. I will say though, after finishing this book I now know why the third book is called Brother Odd. But I'll let you read this one and figure that out on your own.

Summary: I see dead people. But then, by God, I do something about it. Odd Thomas never asked for his special ability. He’s just an ordinary guy trying to live a quiet life in the small desert town of Pico Mundo. Yet he feels an obligation to do right by his otherworldly confidants, and that’s why he’s won hearts on both sides of the divide between life and death. But when a childhood friend disappears, Odd discovers something worse than a dead body and embarks on a heart-stopping battle of will and wits with an enemy of exceptional cunning. In the hours to come there can be no innocent bystanders, and every sacrifice can tip the balance between despair and hope.

You’re invited on an unforgettable journey through a world of terror and transcendence to wonders beyond imagining. And you can have no better guide than Odd Thomas.

To learn more about Dean Koontz, visit his site here.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! Yes, you can still have a crush on Odd Thomas. Hee!


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