Thursday, July 3, 2014

Maleficent adapted by Elizabeth Rudnick (Book Review)

"This is the story of the faerie Maleficent. Not the story you think you know. Not the one that starts with a curse and ends with a dragon. No. This is what really happened. And while it may have a curse and a dragon, it has much more. For it is a story of lost love, found friendships, and, ultimately, the power of a single kiss..."

Review: First of all let me say how much I love this movie. The proof is in the 4 times I saw it in the movie theater! It is taking everything within me NOT to see it again! I'm patiently waiting for it to come out on Blu Ray! I hope it's soon because the itch for me to see it again is steadily increasing. In the meantime, I picked up the book, and as you may have expected, I devoured every sentence in a matter of days!

To start, I did no background history on the book except to say that in my estimation I assume it was written AFTER the movie was made, taking its storyline from the script? However, I will tell you, there are distinct additions and subtractions between the two. Probably because what works on screen might not work in book form and visa versa? Or because the movie was already almost 2 hours long and so the director left a few things out, like scenes and characters?

In the book there is more back story to Maleficent. We find out about her parents in the first few pages since it starts with her as a new born faerie. Then it steadily continues to the part where the movie begins, with Maleficent as a pre-teen.

Having seen the movie 4 times it was easy for me to incorporate the characters looks while reading the book. I also did the same for their voices as well. It made the book come alive even more for me and it's definitely one that I recommend parents read to their children. It would interest both boys and girls. Similar to the movie, it's not as graphic in its descriptions of certain scenes and there is nothing in there a child of 7 or older couldn't comprehend.

I'm leaving this review short because I think I've made you, my avid readers, suffer enough with my (probably unhealthy) admiration of everything Maleficent related!

Have you seen the movie yet? Did you know Disney made a book to go along with it?

Synopsis: A deluxe novelization of the Walt Disney Studios film Maleficent, starring Angelina Jolie.

This visually dazzling live action film explores the origins of one of the most iconic Disney villains: Maleficent, the infamous fairy who curses Princess Aurora in Disney's animated classic Sleeping Beauty. This "origin" story is told from Maleficent's perspective, intersecting with the classic in both familiar and unexpected ways.

by Elizabeth Rudnick

272 pages
Disney Press, 2014
Read in 2 days

Rating: ★★★
Amazon | BN

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