Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 2014, The Wrap-Up

It's a New Year and I hope one where I read MORE than I did last year! This means reading more than 4 books a month! Not as easy (for me) as it might seem. Trying to find the time to read when I've added the task of writing a Trilogy that I've come up with only last month and have been slowly cultivating into something I believe is worth writing (and possibly publishing to share with the world)! But more on that later!

So, what with ALL the writing I have to do for my "personal" blog, my Tumblr page, a highly political blog I joined earlier this year, this blog, AND my noveling, it's a wonder I have the time to read as well! But I will get it all done and in record time I'm sure!

With that said, here is what I was able to get done on this blog this month. Not how I wanted to start but I got a lot done in other avenues of my life in tandem with this so I did better than expected. Oh, and as for reading Charles Dickens' Great Expectations? It's been put on hold for now...

Books Reviewed

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
Redwall by Brian Jacques

Number of Books Read: 3
Number of Pages Read: 1,276

Number of Books Read YTD: 3
Number of Pages Read YTD:1,276


End of the Year Book Survey (2013)
Read of the Town: '13 - '14 Movies Edition
Books of the Month (January '14)
The Collaborators, 4th Edition

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