Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Collaborators, 4th Edition

Hard to believe Alaina of That's What She Read, and I, have only collaborated thrice prior to this collaboration! No offense Alaina but it feels like we've done at least 20 of these already! But it comes from much love of course.

Anywho, this year we just might come close to 20 books that we collaboratively review! She might disagree but I think if we push each other it can totally happen! And with that said, we chose this next book purely because it was on my TBR list (that I happen to put together, covering months ahead, and Alaina does not) and she was easily able to check it out of the library? If I'm wrong do correct me.

I hope we can do a few of Alaina's picks this year. I will broaden my pre-scheduled horizons and dip my toes into whatever she happens to stumble upon reading since she is less regimented than I am (and that's probably a better avenue to take when reviewing books).

But she and I differ in just about every way and that is what makes this venture (I believe) most exciting. And I do look forward to them whenever they come up. But enough of me souping up "Pinky's" ego!

Redwall by Brian Jacques is a 22 book series that started back in 1986. I was just 2 years old at the time but when I was older I do remember it being one of the books my mother read to me. That was more than 2 decades ago now so choosing to read this one (and eventually the whole set) will be like the first time.

I'm a sucker for a series or trilogy, especially if it sounds interesting and the cover is gripping. The cover of this book got me hooked and of course the nostalgia of it all. Going back to my childhood when literature was really great. No offense to the Young Adult and children's books of the 21st Century, but I believe some truly great stories came from the 80's (as well as movies, but that's for another post I'm sure).

This pre-review is coming a little late since I've already finished reading the book, but I have revealed nothing of what I've read. That will come once my cohort and I are good and ready!

To follow along with us on Twitter search for #TheCollaborators or simply follow us!

Alaina - @WillBeFunOrElse

Erica - @NYCBookWorm84

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