Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Things I Am Thankful For


I'm going to try and keep this relevant to the reading and writing world since this isn't my "personal blog" but it's my book blogging (and occasional movie, music, writing, blog). With that said, here are 10 things I can say I am thankful for from the year 2013:

I am thankful for...

- ...having read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, thereby discovering the BEST book I've ever read in my entire life.

- ...the helpful words and encouragement I have received from fellow book bloggers throughout the year, especially the Bestselling author of the Lunar Series, Marissa Meyer, who I still can't believe finds time to answer my questions whenever I ask.

- ...the library of 6 bookcases I was able to create in my bedroom to house all my books and keep them safe and neat.

- ...the ability to have read nearly 100 books this year! I think I passed 50 which I honestly never thought I'd do when I started out this year with only a handful going under the DNF list.

- ...all the book signings I attended this year. Some of them less memorable than others but they all come with experiences I will cherish forever.

- ...my job, which gives me the finances I need in order to purchase the amount of books I do! "When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes." ~Erasmus

- ...ALL my twitter friends on my book blogging account, @nycbookworm84 who read my blog, and especially Between the Covers blogger, Heather, who always RT's my posts and comments on them. She's the best!

- ...The Collaborators! It came about VERY last minute and we've only reviewed two books so far with another one coming up before this year comes to a close. Alaina, whose blog is aptly titled That's What She Read, and I are two very different people and who better to get a zany kind of collaborative review from than two different people?! Look out for WAY MORE collaborations in 2014 with a possible 3rd person joining us ever now and again...

- ...NaNoWriMo! That's right, I'm so thrilled to be fully committed to this challenge/goal/mission, however you want to categorize it! It's made up of great people that make up a large community of writers, reminding me of a dream I once had when I was a teenager of wanting to write a novel.

- ...writing my very first novel from beginning to end! It's not November 30th yet but considering I am well on my way to passed 40K words today I'm more than positive I will make it to the 50K mark (probably more) and it will easily be one of the greatest moments in my life! There is some kind of feeling that comes with accomplishing a goal you never thought possible. I urge anyone reading this to find whatever that goal may be and go for it! You'll be surprised at just how easily you're actually able to do it!

What will you be thankful for this Thanksgiving?

1 comment:

  1. This was such a nice thing to read first thing in the morning. Thank you. I'm also thankful for having met you online (and not just because I now have Margaret Atwood's autograph). :)

    I am so proud of you for all the writing you've gotten done already! Go, you!


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