Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Unusual Character Names I've Encountered In Books

Wow! When was the last time I did a TTT?! It's been a WHILE I think. Mostly because these top 10's really do require me (to coin a phrase from Hercule Poirot) to use the little grey cells. Coming up with a top 3? Piece of cake. Top 5? Okay, maybe. But top 10?! That's not as easy as you might think. And true I have read over 100 books in the last 2 years alone but that just makes ONLY picking 10 of that hundred all the more harder. But enough of my complaining. Let's get down to this weeks top 10 which I actually find rather interesting and I think I will have little trouble having 10 unusual character names.

(in no particular order)

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series) - how could I not put that name on my list? I think this series is the ONLY time I've ever come across a name like that and her character is great also. She's smart, pretty, funny, sarcastic, and says what she means no matter what. She's the all around great friend for anyone.

Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) - yet another name I'd bet my life I'll never come across ever again. He also, while scared of just about everything, will do just about anything once he puts his mind to it. He is fearless and an asset for anyone to have in their corner.

Milo (The Phantom Tollbooth) - probably not an unusual name but it's not one I've come across in other books or in my lifetime either. He's a curious kid, much like my next choice for unusual character names, but he's also good hearted.

Eloise (Eloise) - don't know her? She's kinda famous and has been read for decades by people of all ages. I still have my copy from when I was a little girl and my mom bought it for me. Her pet turtle Skipperdie should be up there with unusual name as well but for this TTT I'm sticking with humans.

Cinder (Lunar Series) - while she isn't ALL human I love the name because it's obviously taken from the fairytale Cinderella but who she is is so much than that. Great story, great character(s) and probably my favorite living (Young Adult) author right now. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

Pocket (Fool) - I doubt this name/book will show up on anyone's list but it's worth mentioning and shouldn't easily be forgotten once the book is read. It's written by Christopher Moore, arguably one of the best comedic novelist of this century, and aside from his character Biff of another WILDLY hilarious novel, Pocket is very entertaining. The mind if Christopher Moore and the ease with which he manipulates this Shakespeare tale is remarkable. The sequel is coming out soon so go out and read about this wild jester. You'll be glad you did!

Kinsey Millhone (Alphabet Series) - not an unusual name but a popular one. I was already fascinated by the mystery world as you'll see with my next choice but I mention Kinsey because I feel females should get a mention in the mystery world. They are just as good as the men are, if not better!

Hercule Poirot (Series) - Agatha Christie outdid herself when she created this Belgian detective. She also created Ms. Marple but I'm not familiar with her at all as I am with this guy. His name is not as unusual as his character though. He's probably one that the name fits the character like a glove.

Boo Radley (To Kill a Mockingbird) - a classic in its own right, this character, though rarely seen or heard of is arguably the main character in the book and he's what gives the book a reason for being. He actually makes an appearance and says very little, only at the very end of the book but who he is and what he represents is something few readers will ever forget. And Robert Duvall portraying him in the movie classic is unforgettable as well.

Liesel Meminger (The Book Thief) - not an "unusual" character name but after reading this book it is one I will never forget. The best book I've ever read in my entire life. A gripping story filled with memorable characters and moments. You'll thank me later...

What unusual character names have you come across?


  1. Hermione! I'd never come into contact with that name before reading Harry Potter, but she made it dear to my heart. And I love Liesel (or Liesl) just because it's a cool name, though I've heard lovely things about THE BOOK THIEF too. Great list!

  2. I like the name Cinder but I every time I hear it I don't think of Cinderella, instead my weird mind goes to the word cinderblock...

    I like the name Bilbo Baggins, I love when first and last names start with the same letter.

    Roxy @ Story Envy


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