Thursday, January 31, 2013

Agenda 21 by Glenn Beck (Book Review)

Agenda 21
by Glenn Beck
w/Harriet Parke

277 pages
Threshold Editions, 2012
Finished in 5 days
Another Review...

My Rating: ★

"They took mother away today."

My Review: I think I have become far too immune to these kinds of books. All I have are reminders of Animal Farm, The Hunger Games, & 1984. They are all the same concept. The government is overthrown and changed so that one select group of people is controlling the others. And they all result in the same idea, that totalitarianism is NOT the answer to the worlds problems. No matter how many times that lesson is lived and learned it does not get old when it comes to an idea for a book. Divergent and Under the Never Sky were no different from the books I just mentioned. The difference is theirs were much lighter and full of fluff because they are young adult books. This book easily falls under those categories.

I know the author of this book believes what happens in the story could actually happen but I must disagree. Probably because I believe American's (myself included) are too lazy and set in our ways to truly be controlled in such a harsh way by others for no apparent reason. Especially if that reason stems from caring for the Earth and animals above myself. I think there is a limit to which we freedom loving citizens can be pushed before we push back. I don't see our conformity to the governments sporadic rules and conditions ever going so far as to cause what is happening in this book. 

Also, the notion of the government being overthrown and replaced with this invisible "authority" whose supposed sole purpose in life is to use humans to generate energy in order to nourish the Earth and the animals that inhabit it just doesn't send chills down my spine. Again, I think it's because I've become so immune to really creepy and bone-chilling writing that when it's too tame (yet possible) I find myself bored. I think that is why, although I finished the book in 5 days they were not 5 consecutive days. I had to put it down and force myself to go back to it only because I hate leaving a book unfinished. Unless it's a book like 50 Shades of Grey!

The Overton Window (which I read but did not write a review for at the time unfortunately) I found to be a MUCH better read for me. If you like Glenn you'll like and understand why he went ahead and published his book. But if you are looking for a book to read by him and it's your fist one, I recommend The Overton Window to start. This is simply a modernized Animal Farm in reverse.

Summary: Just a generation ago, this place was called America. Now, after the worldwide implementation of a UN-led program called Agenda 21, it’s simply known as “the Republic.” There is no president. No Congress. No Supreme Court. No freedom.
There are only the Authorities.

Citizens have two primary goals in the new Republic: to create clean energy and to create new human life. Those who cannot do either are of no use to society. This bleak and barren existence is all that eighteen-year-old Emmeline has ever known. She dutifully walks her energy board daily and accepts all male pairings assigned to her by the Authorities. Like most citizens, she keeps her head down and her eyes closed.

Until the day they come for her mother.

Woken up to the harsh reality of her life and her family’s future inside the Republic, Emmeline begins to search for the truth. Why are all citizens confined to ubiquitous concrete living spaces? Why are Compounds guarded by Gatekeepers who track all movements? Why are food, water and energy rationed so strictly? And, most important, why are babies taken from their mothers at birth? As Emmeline begins to understand the true objectives of Agenda 21 she realizes that she is up against far more than she ever thought. With the Authorities closing in, and nowhere to run, Emmeline embarks on an audacious plan to save her family and expose the Republic—but is she already too late?

To learn more about Glenn Beck please visit his official site.

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