Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Confessions


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I’ve been told by friends and co-workers that my treatment of books borders on Obsessive Compulsive. Maybe they’re right? You tell me…

1. I don’t dog-ear, use a book mark, write in, break the spine, or damage the sleeve of any of my books.

2. When I buy a book I have to go through every book on the shelf to make sure I get one that looks as near perfect as possible. Meaning no rips, tears, bent pages, smudges, or scratches on the book.

3. If I can’t pronounce the names of the characters in a novel I don’t read it. No exceptions.

4. I can’t start a book if I know there are several books before it that involve the same character. I must go back and read the first one. (Ex. I showed interest in M is for Malice when it came out but had to read A through L before I could read M…I did it in 3 months though!)

5. I owe $32 on my NYPL card going back to 1992 that I still haven’t paid! Why they still have that in their records I’ll never know! I haven’t checked a book out from the library since that time! I haven’t stepped foot inside a library since before 2000!

6. Every few months I reorganize my books so they don’t stay in the same position for too long. I’m not the only one who does that ok!?

7. I cannot visit a Barnes & Noble without buying a book before I leave.

8. I’ve discovered the joy and inspiration that can be gained from book signings and have been building quite a library of books you can see here.

9. If a movie I want to see is based on a book I must read the book before I see the movie. If the book is getting good, I won’t finish it, instead I let the movie end the book for me.

10. I refuse to ever use an e-reader to read books. I prefer the hard/soft covered book every time.

See, I’m not Obsessive Compulsive when it comes to my books right?! :-)

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