Sunday, July 1, 2012

TCM Presents... Julie

Title: Julie

Director: Andrew L. Stone

Screenwriter(s): Andrew L. Stone

Producer: Martin Melcher

Distributor: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

In Theaters: October 17th, 1956

Run Time: 99 minutes

Color: B&W

Starring: Doris Day, Louis Jourdan & Barry Sullivan

Genre(s): thriller

Storyline: Her new husband’s behaviour convinces Julie Benton that his jealousy is dangerous, and when he admits he killed her first husband she realises she has to get away. A long-time friend helps all he can, but even in a town the size of San Fransisco Benton seems able to track them down. The police can do nothing despite a death threat, so the next move is up to Julie. Written by Jeremy Perkins

My Review: Whenever I think of Doris Day, I think of her singing some sweet love song, I don’t think of her in the role of a woman on the run from a man. In fact, her most notable roles are that of a woman trying to keep men at bay who are charmed by her looks and her voice. But in this movie she plays Julie, the main character who, after her first husband “commits suicide” she marries another man (Louis Jourdan) who happens to be madly in love with her. And when I say madly, I mean it. He gets uncontrollably jealous if he even catches her talking to a man for more than a few minutes.

If you like suspense like that of an Alfred Hitchcock movie, then you’ll love this one. After about one minute into the movie you will find yourself unable to stop watching. It starts with an example of the kind of episode Jourdan is liable to have after he unleashes his jealous rage. Like forcing his new wife to press down on the gas peddle, scaring her into thinking they will crash to death.

I only wish the dialogue wasn’t so corny. Other than that, it made me want to research what kind of cockeyed laws we had in this country! Why? Well, when our leading lady goes to the police (as any woman who’s being stalked as she was should) they explained to her that there was nothing they could do. Their hands were tied! How is that possible?! She was fearful for her life even more so when her husband confessed to having killed her first husband and made it look like a suicide. That’s how much he loved her. He could not bare for anyone else to have her. When he realizes she does not intend on staying with him (what woman in her right mind would?) he decides he must then kill her. The old saying, “if I can’t have you no one can.” A bit old for my taste but this is an old movie so I forgive them this cliche.

The only annoyance is the behavior of the police throughout this entire ordeal. I wanted to reach into the screen and wring their necks! Not one of them lifted a finger to help her and she practically begged every law enforcement official she came across as she was running away from her deranged husband. It wasn’t until he nearly killed her best friend that they finally decided to help her. Of course this movie wouldn’t be a thriller if that moment didn’t come a bit too late. I won’t spoil the ending for you but I do want to say that, for me, it went about 10 minutes too long for me at one point.

Have you seen this movie? If so, what did you think of the ending? Was it a bit too much for you as well? Also, have you seen any other Doris Day movie before? Which were your favorite?

My Rating: ★★★★ 1/2

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