Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Armchair BEA 2012: Introductions

A day late in getting this out but I have an excuse, I’ve been moving since Friday and being that I cannot move on the weekends I’ve had yesterday and today to get it done. Now that I’m 25% done with moving, meaning my books are all unpacked and just about organized on my book shelves, I can get down to working on my blog more!

BookExpo America (BEA) will be taking place every year from now till 2015 at the Jacob Javits Center here in NYC (my hometown) but unfortunately I cannot make it there this year (due to my moving/unpacking). I hope to put it in my calendar and head there next year for sure.

For those of us who can’t be there, though, there is Armchair BEA! To kick off this year’s from-the-comfort-of-our-own-homes conference, we have been asked to tell everyone a little bit about ourselves by answering five questions. Here are mine:

  • Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
For starters, I am fairly new to the blogging community in terms of sharing my thoughts (“Reviews”) on the movies I see and the books I read. I’ve almost always (since high school at least) kept a blog in one way or another that was mainly my journal, but it was fairly off and on. More off than on. It isn’t until recently that I’ve finally found something I enjoy blogging about. I’ll say I started this blog idea of mine just a few months ago. My name is Erica Drayton, I live in New York City, in the Bronx to be more precise. I’ve lived in New York City all my life and could not imagine living any place else. I got into blogging because I love to write and I figured why not write what inspires me from time to time. And what inspires me are the movies (old and new) that I see and the books that I read (biographies, non-fiction, classics, fiction, etc.).

  • What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?
Unlike some more avid book bloggers I am only able to read one book at a time so currently I am reading The Little Red Guard by Wenguang Huang. It’s been on the best sellers list for a while and I’ve heard good things about it. I’m always fascinated by memoirs and I find them to be an easier read than most fiction books. A few of my favorite books that I’ve read thus far in 2012 would have to be Cinder by Stephanie Meyer or The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Yes, I’ve been reading young adults fiction books a lot lately.

  • Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.
Hmm, this is not as easy to answer as I thought it would be… I suppose the fact that I enjoy museums. I seek out places and things that inspire me most. Pieces of art in all forms inspire me to write and also inspire me to read and learn more about what I’ve seen.

  • What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)?
My favorite feature is one that I’m currently working on but I know will be my most prized possession that I share with those who read my blog. It would have to be my “Signed By…” section. This is where I will post a picture of the autographed author I got and perhaps any pictures I took of that person as well as a short story behind the signature. Perhaps it was something they said in the little Q&A most of them do before hand? Or what I said to them as I approached the signing table? It will be a place I can easily go to and remember what it was like. I hope you enjoy this section as well as I do.

  • What is your favorite part about the book blogging community? Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?
I think my favorite part about the book blogging community is how nice everyone who I’ve asked advice and help from has been to me. I honestly did not know there was a “book blogging community”, let alone one so large and helpful. It’s not as closed off and individualistic as I had imagined. It’s not like everyone is out for themselves. This community is very open to new comers and willing to help any way they can. For that I am truly grateful. If anything, I would like to see a more seamless way of getting in contact with each other in the future.

(Banner design: Nina of Nina Reads)

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