Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mame (1974)

Title: Mame

Director: Gene Saks

Screenwriter(s): Paul Zindel & Patrick Dennis

Producer: James Cresson & Robert Fryer

Distributor: Warner Bros.

Production Company: ABC

In Theaters: March 27th, 1974

Run Time: 132 minutes

Color: Technicolor

Starring: Lucille Ball, Beatrice Arthur, Robert Preston, & Joyce Van Patten

Genre(s): Musical

Storyline: The musical revolves around the antics of Mame Dennis, a fun-loving, wealthy eccentric with a flare for life and a razor sharp wit. Her life is suddenly changed when she becomes the guardian of her late brother's only child, Patrick Dennis. Her adventures take us from the speak-easies of the roaring 20's to the depression following the great Stock Market crash. She is rescued by a wealthy Southern plantation owner, marries and is widowed suddenly, and through it all, manages to keep things under control. With some help from her dearest friend, Vera Charles, she helps keep things at 3 Beekman Place a rousing free-for-all. Written by John Deming

Movie Trailer:


My Review: There are two kinds of people when it comes to this movie. Those that have seen the stage play starring Angela Lansbury and feel Lucy ruined the movie version? Or those that loved the non-musical version Auntie Mame with Rosalind Russell? Well, prepare to scream because I was not born yet when Angela Lansbury and Bea Arthur were nominated in the Tony Awards for Mame and I honestly prefer the musical to Rosalind Russell. With that being said watching this in cinemascope on the big screen was an experience I would not trade for anything. I smiled and sang along to every song! I never realized just how many songs are in this movie until tonight but I appreciate every single one. And if the music isn't enough to grab your attention, I learned something new tonight that I didn't realize before. The screenwriter is Paul Zindel! I've read every single one of his Pigman books! I did not know he wrote screenplays as well! But back to the music. There is so much of it riddled throughout the movie I feel I must share my favorites with you. So which are my favorites?

The South Will Rise Again - Mame

Bosom Buddies - Mame (Lucille Ball & Bea Arthur)

If you get anything out of this movie, let it be that you live each day to the fullest. It's the one life lesson Auntie Mame wants to impart on Patrick (her only living relative who is charged with looking out for him). She teaches him more than the average 9 year old boy learns even by today's standards! It's an amazing time to be had by everyone, young and old.

What Mame says to her nephew I say to you: You know what your problem is? You don't know how to live! Life is a banquet and most sons of bitches are starving to death!

And just because I don't want to leave Angela Lansbury out of this musical review, please enjoy this performance she does with her stage co-star Bea Arthur at the Tony Awards:


My Rating: A


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