Friday, May 11, 2012

Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore (Book Review)

Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story
by Christopher Moore

304 pages
Simon & Schuster, September 1995
Read in 8 days

Star Rating: ★★★ 1/2

My Review: Meet C. Thomas Flood, a writer, who's in San Francisco with little money and no place to stay. After making a shrewd $50/wk deal with a Chinese man to share a room with 5 men named Wong, he then manages to procure a job as a night manager at the local town market. His luck does not stop there. After befriending the Emperor of San Francisco and the Animals who work the graveyard shift at the market he manages to get himself a girlfriend. We should ALL be so lucky! Then again, perhaps we should not count our chickens before they’ve hatched. For you see, all is not as it seems for C. Thomas Flood. Probably he should have taken his fathers advice and stayed home to learn the family farming business.

For starters, the roommates he starts out with all want his hand in marriage! You read right. They’ve heard that a gay marriage is just as legal a way of procuring a green card to stay in America as a heterosexual one. Why he declines their offer of taking good care of him for as long as they all shall live is beyond me. Then there’s the slightly crazy yet harmless Emperor who lives in the streets he protects with his two dogs Bummer and Lazarus. His latest adventure finds him in search of a vampire who he believes is the killer behind the latest string of vicious attacks. The Animals are, I’m sure, the stereotypical group of guys you’d find working the night shift at just about any supermarket. The things men do when left to their own devices! Lastly, there’s his girlfriend. How he meets could be called coincidence but it wasn’t. Why he agrees to move in with her immediately and do (almost) her every bidding is a mystery as well. Let’s call it love? Either way the real reason boils down to Jody being a vampire. Albeit a new vampire, she’s quickly learning the ropes of how to survive. All while being watched by the more than 800 year old vampire who made her into who she is now.

This is a love story. The likes of which you’ve probably never read but will find yourself searching for the rest of this trilogy to see what happens next. And don’t worry, I’ll be reviewing those for you in the coming weeks.

To learn more about Christopher Moore, please visit his site.

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