Friday, March 28, 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Countdown (April Edition)

For anyone who wasn't aware, November 2013 was an amazing month, because it was the first time in my LIFE that I started and finished writing a novel! I wrote over 50,000 words in exactly 30 days and trust me when I tell you it was NOT easy! But like when I got my first tattoo, immediately after I finished it I wanted to jump right into writing another one, and another one, and another one! The ideas kept coming for me to expand upon this first book I wrote, "Murder on the 'A': A Sterling Addams Mystery" which I intend to turn into a recurring character with several book titles and ideas already lined up.

But somewhere in between spazzing out about that book in November and the SEVERAL months of cold weather and snow and more cold weather and more snow, a storyline came to me. It was faint at first, but as all great stories do, this one just kept growing and growing in my head till I just had to write it down. This story has not left my mind since and is begging to be written. Unlike my mystery series which is geared towards adults, this idea I've had in my head is for the Young Adult genre. And what better time to dip my toe into the magic of the YA world than during these Spring/Summer months with Camp NaNoWriMo?

Lately it seems that's a majority of what I've been reading so it stands to reason that I would come up with an idea, drawing from some of the many YA authors I've read already, namely: Marissa Meyer, Megan Shephard, Veronca Roth, Christopher Paolini, JK Rowling, Ransom Riggs, etc.

Knowing there is quite a craze and a following within the Young Adult world I know I have my work cut out for me even attempting to enter such a realm, but you won't know till you try and so here I am, about to embark on this very different mission. For starters I am going to do something in my book that I believe appears in just about every popular Young Adult novel, there will be NO romance or love triangle, whether it be obvious or subtle. I realize by choosing to leave that aspect out I may be losing a large audience but quite frankly I don't care. I find that 99.9% of the time the Young Adult books I've read would survive just fine (or might even fair better) if they didn't have all that stuff in it. I know with teen angst being what it is today that most YA readers want that in the book. I would also guess that more than half of those who read YA books are in fact much older than the target audience (I am included in that, and proud of it). I'm sure the author knows this and therefore they probably put those romantic scenes in their for that reader as well. Whatever the reason, just know, as I embark on this journey, I am leaving that out of it.

Otherwise, my idea is set in the future, it's rather dystopian in nature but it's not otherworldly. I'm sticking to planet Earth. You won't find any aliens or cosmic life forms or anything like that here. I almost hesitate to divulge this until I've started and finished it but I do want to give you a taste in the hopes that you can at least tell me if your interest is piqued enough to want to hear more about my progress?

It’s July 4th, and the people of Snow, TX are gathered together to set off fireworks and celebrate Gabrielle Roberts Sweet Sixteen birthday as they've done every year that she can remember. It’s the kind of town where everyone knows everyone else. It’s a farming town that has managed to survive a decade long drought followed by, what the town still shudders to think about, "The Great Flood of 2092." It didn’t last long but the damage almost bankrupted the town. But the people overcame, as they always have, and according to news reports from around the world the city of Snow, TX is now the most sustainable area anywhere. It's also the most secretive. No matter what this small town has had to endure, and with just a population of 572, they are able to withstand anything, be it natural or man-made and someone wants to know how.

As Gabrielle begins to cut the cake the knife in her hand stops rather abruptly when  the town begins to sing “Happy Birthday." Having her birthday celebrated by an entire town always makes her nervous no matter how many years it’s been done. And just when the knife is about to make its first cut, a snow flake falls on the tip of her nose, causing her eyes to cross. From that day on it’s done nothing but snow, not just in the small town of Snow, TX but across the entire world. This trilogy follows the lives of the town of Snow, TX, especially Gabrielle who, with the help of her best friend Abigail and Shakes, a blind orphan boy, they travel across the globe to uncover the truth behind this phenomena.

Is this constant snow fall an unstoppable result of Mother Nature? Or is someone controlling her just to uncover a secret the city of Snow, TX and its townspeople are just not willing to share?

Discover the secret, uncover the lies, and learn the truth as Gabrielle, Abigail and Shakes have to save the world in order to save their town.

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