Thursday, October 17, 2013

NaNoWriMo is Almost Here!

NaNoWriMo for those of you book bloggers who might not know stands for National Novel Writing Month (as it so cleverly says in the graphic above, duh!). I heard about this organization last year and I "attempted" to participate, but I'm sad to say not one word was written. My writers block got the better of me and I retreated with my tail between my legs back to my comfortable world of reading books and reviewing them. This IS a book reviewing kind of blog where occasionally I might review a movie or television program. Anywho, so here we are again, less than 2 weeks away from the start and THIS TIME I'm ready!

The very simple and easy premise is to simply write, however you prefer to do so, and write some more, throughout the entire month of November. The site offers a great tool that helps you keep track of your word count for you. If you write more than 50,000 words in the month then they'll give you a prize and you'll have met the goal/challenge that they set for everyone. Of course you don't have to meet that goal, but it is a good one at that.

My goal(s) this year is to meet that 50,000 word count in 30 days but most importantly is to finish what I start. I've never really been able to finish a novel once I start with an idea. I can do poetry, I can write a screenplay, but sit me down to write a "novel" and I get nervous. But I just participated in a "twitter forum" of sorts (the first of many that they do) where I got to meet others who are working on their first novel as well so we can share tips and dispel of any fears we might have with each other. It's good to know you're not the only one attempting this for the first time.

I'm more afraid of jinxing myself than of someone "stealing" my idea but I want to share some of it nonetheless. 

My Idea:
Sterling Addams lives in New York City. A city that never sleeps and she knows this fact better than most. She learned all there is to know about the NYC train system from riding back and forth on them growing up. And because of her vast knowledge she's able to assist, in her own unique way, in certain police investigations.

Not many, in the city of over 12 million people, know of Transit District 13 (TD 13). They are a team of specially trained police officers who solve all crimes committed underground deemed too dangerous to allow the public to know about. While Sterling is not a member of this team she is helpful to them, not just because of what she knows about the train system, but because of who she knows down there as well.

Join her, and the narrator of each mystery, Sarah Jefferson, as they take you on a tour of the mean tunnels of New York City like you've never known them before. And stick with her as she solves some of the strangest & dirtiest crimes no one ever hears about.
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I like the premise! It sounds good!

    Have fun!


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